
Poetry gives your average person a voice. Poetry gives your average person power.

Tannika Taylor – Founder of Wordplay & Flow

Wordplay & Flow

Wordplay & Flow (formerly known as Wordplay Poetry) launched during the height of the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020. Our Art is Expression online series allowed us to feature on the radio, and gain the support of Arts Council England to bring you great news and initiatives based around the art of spoken word.

Our Mission: Share The Power Of Words

Our mission is to create a secure space for poetry lovers post-covid and beyond. The poetry community is heavily dependent on live events, and once the pandemic hit, our safe spaces were wiped out. We have developed a platform that will support creativity for the long-term. No more technical difficulties. No more disconnected performances. Our mission is to bring you a sustainable space for all things poetry, arts, and culture.

What We Do

Every artist knows the power of words, and we are here to showcase the amazing world of wordsmiths through interviews, performances, and exclusive events. We provide promotional services for artists seeking to build their audience using our extensive network of creative specialists. Our workshop initiatives aim to educate and inspire creatives to use their craft as a positive outlet in support of mental health and well being.
